Tuesday, June 30

It's on like Donkey Kong!!!

So, Knott's is in sucker, you better be ready for some straight up street game, fo'!!!


This message was sent just minutes after reading Garrett warning.

The Total is now:

4 parks in, 2 to go....where oh where did Sea World and Zoo go?

If your out there...step up or step out!



  1. Fo'? Is that short for Foe? Because that 'e' is silent anyway.


  2. i hope my short shorts are dry cleaned in time. its ON kids!

  3. Oh, it is on.
    We have recently been enlightened on the witty repartee which has been discussed on this website. The Mouse Holes have stated that we have admitted an “early defeat” a statement is which completely false. Robert South once said, “Defeat should never be a source of discouragement but rather a fresh stimulus.” Knott’s Berry Farm hopes that the Mouse Holes receive their loss on Thursday as inspiration, not only to create a better name for their team for which we have clever chants, but to better their team for the completion that is in store for them.

    With that said, we would like to present some of our new-hires.

